Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Internships, Internships, and More Internships!

It's time to start thinking about summer internship applications. Check out these awesome opportunities and tips!

Ketchum New York's Summer Fellowship Program
Ketchum is one of the best worldwide public relations agencies. The program, formerly known as the New York Summer Internship Program, is a paid fellowship now open to undergraduate students currently in their junior and senior years. The program begins on June 2, 2008 and ends on August 8, 2008. Students must be available for the entire 10 weeks to be considered. Deadline is February 29, 2008. Please visit the Web site for more information.

University Directories
University Directories will be here on campus, Wednesday February 6 to hold an information session regarding their paid summer internship. The session will be held in COM room 215 from 4pm-6pm for those who are interested. Email urecruit@bu.edu with any questions.

Great Tips from Career Services:

This interesting article addresses some types of interview questions you might encounter out there, and explains why they might be asked. Remember that your interviewers are just people, and if not HR professionals, they too might be just trying to “break the ice.” I like what the writer says about a good interview being like a good conversation.


Here is a good, simple listing of illegal interview questions. Remember that it is not illegal for you to answer these questions if they are asked, but the interviewer should not be asking them. If you are asked one of these questions, is probably isn’t wise to point out to the interviewer that the questions is illegal; but you could pause, hoping the interviewer will catch his/her own error, or you could pause then say something like “is that relevant to the job I’m interviewing for?” The interviewer might have no idea that the question is illegal. You are under no obligation to answer an illegal question, so if the interviewer persists or you feel uncomfortable, make a quick assessment about how you feel about the company, the job, the job environment, etc. If you are highly uncomfortable, this might be one opportunity to let pass by.



Commencement Speech Competition: $2,500 prize!
A $2,500 prize will be awarded by the New York Public Relations Firm Burson-Marsteller for the best five-minute undergraduate and best graduate Commencement speeches, to be delivered at COM Graduation ceremonies each year. If you have a cumulative minimum 3.1 GPA, you are eligible to be one of two Spring Student Commencement Speakers. Graduate and Undergraduate Students scheduled to graduate in December each year are eligible to compete for prizes awarded the following Spring. Due: 5 p.m., Friday, April 4.

Please e-mail buprssa@gmail.com for more information on any of these opportunities.

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