Monday, October 29, 2007

A few Updates

First, a BIG thank you to everybody who came to the Meet & Greet. The E-Board had a wonderful time meeting everyone. We thought it was so successful that we'd like to host another one sometime later in the year. Thanks for coming out. It gave us a chance to see what you guys really want from PRSSA. I know internships is a huge goal for everybody, so I hope the career workshops have been beneficial. We're going to try to keep up with the trend of career workshops throughout the year.

Upcoming Meetings
Monday 30, 2007
Glen Schwartz from Fleishman Hillard will be speaking to us about interviews. He's the internship coordinator over at Boston Fleishman office. We'll get a chance to learn more about the do's and don't's of interviewing. Let's ace that next interview!

Business Etiquette Luncheon
We have by trying to get this done for months now. MONTHS! The big obstacle has always been the budget. We're a relatively small club with a small budget. Business Etiquette Speakers always charge a TON of money. We've pulled through somehow, thanks to our wonderful faculty advisor, Professor Quigley.

Ann Marie Sabeth, from At Ease Inc., has graciously agreed to lead us through the trenches of Business Etiquette. We're having a Power Breakfast November 8, 2007. The details are currently being worked out, but space is limited to the first 25 students. We're opening it up to Non-PRSSA students as well. So, PRSSA students--reserve your spot by Friday, November 2. If those 25 spots aren't filled up, we're opening it tup BU COM students for $15.00. PRSSA Members--your will be covering this.

Thrilled and excited!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

E-board Meet & Greet!!

Here's the link to the E-board Meet & Greet event:

Hope to see you there!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer


Just want to update everyone on the Making Strides account...
With 22 members on our PRSSAid team, we reached our goal and raised $1200!!
A special thanks to my amazing agency team who put together a "Pink Day" at Warren Towers, a bake sale, dorm storms, and outreached to local publications in such a short amount of time.

Thanks to all of the walkers and supporters.
Let's raise even more money next year!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Future of PR


I'm so excited to share this piece with you. I had to read this for a PR class and I'm spreading this I hope you take the time to read this wonderfully written essay: A Manifesto for the 21st Century Public Relations Firm.

It's a bit long, but I urge you to take the 10-15 minutes to read it. You can find the article here.


Hi Everyone!

Just a quick reminder. Last day for dues will be Wednesday October 10th. I wont be here this weekend so try and get them into my ASAP! If you need to meet me somewhere my email is If you have any other questions feel free to email...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Upcoming Meetings and Events...and another blog to check out!

Lots of exciting things happening...

First, we have our career workshops: Three Steps to More Success. Cheesy, I know, but that's one of the fun things about PR!

We've broken down the workshops into three topics: resumes and cover letters, portfolios and interviews. We're bringing in some of the best people in the field to help you land that next internship or job.

October 16: Resumes and Cover Letters
Speaker: TBD
Currently, we're talking to some of the HR people who handle the resumes and cover letters at Brodeur, a tech pr agency, to see if they can come in and speak to us. We'll keep you posted.

October 23: Portfolios
Speaker: Dr. Edward Downes.
Our very own Dr. Downes from COM will give us tips on building a portfolio
that will make you stand out above the rest.

October 30: Interview
Speaker: Glen Schwartz from Fleishman-Hillard.
Glenn, the internship coordinator, interviews all the potential interns at Fleishman-Hillard, one of the leading global PR Firms. How do you ace that interview? He'll let you know!

Also, if you're interested in all the new media and PR 2.0 (ie blogging, social networking sites, YouTube and all that new fun stuff), you might want to check out Podcamp Boston 2: It's a conference for people who are interested in all the new media. It's free to register and free to attend. I'll be attending for one of my PR classes and Chelsea Alexander, our PRSA/PRSSA Liason will be attending, so feel free to join us. It's October 25-27.

Lastly, a blog that Professor Quigley, our wonderful faculty advisor, mentioned: Strumpette. If you like your blogs with some attitude and snarkyness, check it out. Go go go!!


The First Post!

Hi there,

Welcome to our blog! All the information about upcoming meetings will be posted here. You can also read about any PRSSA-related news--PRSSAgency, past meetings and more. This is also a way for us to share any interesting PR industry news with you.

In the meantime, check out this blog if you've got some free time: Bad Pitch Blog. Sometimes the best way to learn is by learning from mistakes--it's even better when the mistakes aren't yours! Great place to learn what to do in PR and more importantly, what NOT to do.