Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Student Union Opportunity

I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer! We have some amazing opportunities for the fall, thanks to Eric Leist, our new VP! He met with a representative from the Student Union who is looking for 2 PR-savvy representatives to serve on their cabinet. It is really a great opportunity to get involved with, and more details are below!

Social Affairs Chair
Duties: Event planning for Student Union social events; working as a liaison between Student Union, SAO, and any other BU group; finding corporate sponsors for events; work with PR Director to coordinate the Intercollegiate Conference (where BU and other Boston colleges will try to gain a voice in local politics)

Time commitment
: Meetings 1-2 hours per week on Mondays at 8 o'clock in the Photonics Center and Student Union office plus any additional time needed to complete tasks

Ideal Qualifications
: PR/Advertising Major interested in event planning or corporate communications (much of this job will involve synthesizing different groups on campus.)

PR Director
Duties: Write Student Union newsletter; proactive and reactive media relations with the Freep and BU Today; Advertising and social media marketing to publicize Student Union events; work with Social Affairs Chair to coordinate the Intercollegiate Conference (where BU and other Boston colleges will try to gain a voice in local politics)

commitment: Meetings 1-2 hours per week on Mondays at 8 o'clock in the Photonics Center and Student Union office plus any additional time needed to complete tasks

Ideal Qualifications
: PR/Advertising Major interested in government relations, political PR or media relations

Anyone interested in either of these positions send an email to amahler@bu.edu and union@bu.edu for more information about how to apply.

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