Friday, September 12, 2008

ATTENTION: Fall Internship Opportunity!!!

Gray & Rice Public Relations, a B2B PR agency is looking for a fall intern to work directly with seasoned account managers and their account teams.

The projects will vary, but I can assure you it will be more than just a "typical internship". The Company wants their intern to walk away with a number of pieces for his or her portfolio, including press releases and press clippings. The internship will assist with building media relations skills, and the intern will have his or her own client to work on.

While the internship is unpaid, it's a great way to build a portfolio
and experience for a résumé. The office is located in Government Center and is easily accessible by T.

If you are interested please contact Katie DePorter with your résumé and cover letter. Her contact details are listed below. If you have any questions regarding contacting Katie or want someone to read over your résumé or cover letter feel free to contact an E-Board member at or COM Career Services!!

Good Luck!!

Katie DePorter
Account Manager
Gray & Rice Public Relations
One Washington Mall, 10th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
617-367-0100 ext. 121
Fax: 617-367-0160

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