Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Internship Opportunity!!!

Who is Brodeur?

We help clients stay open to the new, the unique, the breakthrough, and get seen and talked about in places and ways competitors haven't even thought about yet. So, yes. We do PR, globally, for more than 20 years. But once you get to know us, you'll not worry about a label. You'll just be thinking about what we can do together:

Our internship program draws some of the top talent from universities and colleges around the country, and many of our interns go on to become full-time employees. We are always accepting resumes for the upcoming fall, spring, summer internship program and have positions available in our New York City, Phoenix , DC, and Boston offices. Our competitive program offers undergraduate and graduate students opportunities to learn public relations first hand.

For more information and Résumé and Cover Letter Details email BUPRSSA@gmail.com!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


We are a student-run agency with real campaigns, clients and results. Agency offers a a taste of agency life, the opportunity to build your resume and a chance to network.

Quick note: For those of you who did attend today's meeting, please see the very bottom of this post.

PRSSAgency Overview...

Z Square
-Restaurant/Bar/Cafe across from SMG, at the Blandford T-stop
-This team will focus on community building
-Visit z-square.com!

-BU students' website for....rating internships
-This team will focus on event planning and branding
-Visit InternshipRatings.com!

-BU student's t-shirt aggregating web-site
-This team will focus on viral marketing and new media strategy
-Visit PleaseDressMe.com!

Positions Available:
Account Director (AD)
-Leadership position
-For more experienced members
-Requires a larger commitment
-2 ADs on each account

Account Executive (AE)
-Many AEs on each account
-You are the essence of Agency!
-This position allows you to develop your skill set whether it's writing, designing or video editing

Time Commitment:
Initial meeting with client
-To introduce the challenges and opportunity of the account
-To motivate and inspire the whole team

Weekly meetings with your team
-To establish strategy, goals and tactics
-To brainstorm
-To delegate weekly assignments

Bi-weekly "Staff Meetings"
-New to PRSSAgency!
-To help other teams
-To test ideas
-To get inspired

To Apply...
For AD Position
-E-mail your resume (if you don't have one, type up your qualifications) and send to me (beckysteinberg@gmail.com). Please include a blurb about why you want this position and list the clients in preference order.

For AE Position
-E-mail me (beckysteinberg@gmail.com) that you're interested. I'll send you a short survey to complete and return.

Please apply asap. Your client is eager and waiting!!

Questions? Don't be shy! Feel free to e-mail me(beckysteinberg@gmail.com)!

Quick Note: For those who did attend today's meeting, what did you think of the presentation? Boring? Not informative enough? The best presentation you've ever witnessed? Your feedback would be much appreciated ;)

Monday, September 22, 2008

PRSSAround Town

PRSSA members love to explore Boston and Beyond!

This is a new feature that allows us, PRSSA, to show what a vibrant community we have built. Send me (beckysteinberg@gmail.com) your PRSSAround Town pictures--that is you anywhere, doing anything exciting and I'll feature you! This goes for you too, Alumni! Going to a farmers market? Talking a walk on the Esplanade? Take us with you!

From PRSSA to the Runway:
Last Thursday, thanks to Shanece Taylor, PRSSA member extraordinaire, Christen Wong, PRSSA Secretary, and I had the opportunity to help the Dre Designs Preview Show at Boston Fashion Week! Thanks Shanece!
After one model went AWOL, I had to step in as back-up model! Me, 5 foot 2, without any runway experience! Anyway, this is your behind the scenes look...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Meet & Greet

(Darren DeLuca, PRSA/PRSSA liaison poses with Laura Schroeder, VP of PR. These two both intern at Allied Advertising. They get to see High School Musical 3: Senior Year before all of us! Ask them how, they'd love to tell you!)

Rachel, PRSSA's Event Coordinator, planned a lovely brunch for us Sunday. E-board members chatted it up with some members and our Academic Advisor, Professor Quigley. For those of you who weren't there, we talked about The Office (does anyone know where I can find the episode Prof. Q was talking about with the press conference?), mouse traps and Project Delta Glam. You can see everyone who attended the event pictured here!

Thanks again for the members who attended! And special thanks to Professor Quigley for coming out on a Sunday!

(L to R: Me!, Becky Steinberg, VP of PR; Rachel Sprung [standing], Events Coordinator, Heather Papsun, PR Advanced Coordinator ; Lauren Papp, beloved member; Emilie O'Toole, Treasurer)

Friday, September 19, 2008

What do you stand for?

(L to R: Alex Karadimas, PRSSA president, Carol Cone, founder of Cone Inc., Casey Brennan, Insights Coordinator at Cone) Carol Cone's presentation yesterday evening was the best I've seen in my 3 years with PRSSA. Best is vague. What I mean here is inspiring and engaging. It's not everyday "The Mother of Cause Marketing" generously passes her wisdom's on to a crowd of communications students. The take home message was: demand more from companies you buy from by asking "What do you stand for?" Technically speaking, her presentation was flawless from the video clips to the attractive slides to the interesting insights. My oral presentation professor would have cried. Worthwhile periodicals Carol mentioned: Good Magazine (goodinc.com/about) and The Holmes Report (holmesreport.com). Check out the Cone Inc. blog (www.doyoustandforsomething.com) or the Cone website (www.coninc.com) to learn more about cause marketing.

[side note to readers: What did you think of the presentation? Let us know!]

Pictured here are Christen Wong, PRSSA Secretary, and Casey Brennan, Insights Coordinator at Cone.

And here (L to R): Emilie O'Toole, PRSSA Treasurer, Lauren Papp, dedicated and beloved PRSSA member, Heather Papsun, PR Advanced Coordinator, Christen Wong, PRSSA secretary, Casey Brennan, Insights Coordinator at Cone, Alex Karadimas, PRSSA President.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Speaker of the Semester !

This Thursday, 9/18, at 5 PM in SAR 218, Carol Cone, founder of Cone Inc., will speak to BU PRSSA! Carol is an engaging and inspiring speaker and we encourage you all to attend to learn and ask about her experiences in the field.

Cone is a strategy and communications agency with over 25 years experience building and maintaining trusted relationships between clients and stakeholders.

Their expertise lie within four distinct but interdependent disciplines: Cause Branding SM, Corporate Responsibility, Brand Marketing and Crisis Prevention & Management. These disciplines seamlessly coincide with the dynamic interplay of product, people and values which, in today's world, are essential for building successful, trusted relationships and stakeholder loyalty.

To learn more about Cone Inc., visit coneinc.com

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Weber Shandwick is looking for a fall intern to work specifically on their Ocean Spray account. If you are interested in applying, please e-mail former BU PRSSA president Ashley Cheng: ashley.cheng@webershandwick.com.


Where does that $55 go?

$5 goes towards BU PRSSA's social meetings and regional conference (if you're not sure what this or want to get involved e-mail Heather, papsunh@bu.edu) while PRSSA National claims the remaining $50. This is a lot of money so we'd like to help you, help yourself by keeping you updated on all the member benefits like scholarships and awards! To stay in the know, check PRSSA National Scholarship and Award Opportunities on the side bar (look to the left under Fall 2008 calendar). There is $800 to be won in September alone!

Friday, September 12, 2008

ATTENTION: Fall Internship Opportunity!!!

Gray & Rice Public Relations, a B2B PR agency is looking for a fall intern to work directly with seasoned account managers and their account teams.

The projects will vary, but I can assure you it will be more than just a "typical internship". The Company wants their intern to walk away with a number of pieces for his or her portfolio, including press releases and press clippings. The internship will assist with building media relations skills, and the intern will have his or her own client to work on.

While the internship is unpaid, it's a great way to build a portfolio
and experience for a résumé. The office is located in Government Center and is easily accessible by T.

If you are interested please contact Katie DePorter with your résumé and cover letter. Her contact details are listed below. If you have any questions regarding contacting Katie or want someone to read over your résumé or cover letter feel free to contact an E-Board member at BUPRSSA@gmail.com or COM Career Services!!

Good Luck!!

Katie DePorter
Account Manager
Gray & Rice Public Relations
One Washington Mall, 10th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
617-367-0100 ext. 121
Fax: 617-367-0160

Thank You!

Thank you for all of you who made it to last nights meeting! It was great to speak with a few of you and I know the E-Board is very excited to start of this year!! We look forward to seeing you all next Thursday! Keep checking the blog and your email for updates on Carol Cone, future meetings, PRSSAgency and much more...


Alexandra Karadimas
President; BUPRSSA

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Meeting

Don't forget our first meeting will be this Thursday at 5PM in SAR 218!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Alexandra (BUPRSSA President) pictured here at our SPLASH table.

A successful day: dedicated e-board members gave out about 200 Z SQUARE FREE COFFEE CARDS and collected pages of potential member contact info! We're all excited to get the ball rolling and hope to see/meet all of you PR enthusiasts soon!