Monday, March 31, 2008

University of Rhode Island event "PRomote Yourself"- April 19, 2008

Hey Everyone!

URI really showed their support for our event this Sunday by sending more than 10 participants to Boston, so if you can, please show our support for their event! Please e-mail if you're interested in going, and we'll try to gather a carpool of some sort to get there.

It looks like they've planned a great and enlightening afternoon, as well as a great opportunity to support a very good cause- The Rhode Island Food Bank! Below please see complete details.

The University of Rhode Island’s Public Relations Society Presents: “PRomote Yourself”
Professional Networking and Valuable Life Skills Mini-Conference Event
Saturday April 19, 2008, 1:30-5:00 pm

Galanti Lounge, located on the 3rd floor of the URI Library

Come enjoy a unique pre-professional opportunity on the URI campus including informational speakers, networking, refreshments and prize giveaways!

Keynote Speakers
“Cultivating your Inner Rockstar – Building a Brand Called YOU!” Gail Lowney Alofsin, Director of Corporate Partnerships, Newport Harbor Corporation

“A Candid Conversation About Your Career”
Vincent P. Burks, Senior Assistant Vice President, Amica Insurance

“Comments from a URI Public Relations Graduate”
Nina Goselin, URI alumni and former PRS member

*Additionally, a variety of industry professionals will be in attendance and participating throughout the event *
Please $3 at the door or donation of 3 non-perishable food items to be donated to the Rhode Island Food Bank

RSVP required. Please email no later than Wednesday April 9th to secure a spot for yourself or a group!
- Limited Space Available -

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