Monday, March 31, 2008
University of Rhode Island event "PRomote Yourself"- April 19, 2008
URI really showed their support for our event this Sunday by sending more than 10 participants to Boston, so if you can, please show our support for their event! Please e-mail if you're interested in going, and we'll try to gather a carpool of some sort to get there.
It looks like they've planned a great and enlightening afternoon, as well as a great opportunity to support a very good cause- The Rhode Island Food Bank! Below please see complete details.
The University of Rhode Island’s Public Relations Society Presents: “PRomote Yourself”
Professional Networking and Valuable Life Skills Mini-Conference Event
Saturday April 19, 2008, 1:30-5:00 pm
Galanti Lounge, located on the 3rd floor of the URI Library
Come enjoy a unique pre-professional opportunity on the URI campus including informational speakers, networking, refreshments and prize giveaways!
Keynote Speakers
“Cultivating your Inner Rockstar – Building a Brand Called YOU!” Gail Lowney Alofsin, Director of Corporate Partnerships, Newport Harbor Corporation
“A Candid Conversation About Your Career”
Vincent P. Burks, Senior Assistant Vice President, Amica Insurance
“Comments from a URI Public Relations Graduate”
Nina Goselin, URI alumni and former PRS member
*Additionally, a variety of industry professionals will be in attendance and participating throughout the event *
Please $3 at the door or donation of 3 non-perishable food items to be donated to the Rhode Island Food Bank
RSVP required. Please email no later than Wednesday April 9th to secure a spot for yourself or a group!
- Limited Space Available -
Sunday, March 30, 2008
This is not a dictatorship.
We will be voting on the addition(s) of certain duties for the PRSA Liaison, as well as a new position: Advanced Conference Event Coordinator. Below are the proposed descriptions. The red highlighted texts are on what we will be voting. Please come to the meeting prepared to cast your vote!
PRSA Liaison/Professional Outreach Coordinator:
-Be responsible for organizing the Bateman Case Competition
-Communicate with other PRSSA chapters to organize regional PRSSA events
-Communicate PRSA events to the general membership and be aware of financial support available to participants
-Be able to attend PRSA Boston events regularly, and recruit members to attend
-Be responsible for networking with PRSA members and securing speakers for meetings
-Provide signicant support to the Advanced Conference Event Planning Committee whenever necessary, specifically in:
-Non-BU PRSSA chapter recruitment and participation
-Professional/Speaker recruitment and participation
Advanced Conference Event Coordinator
-Work with any fellow event coordinators from outside of BU
-Plan the Advanced Conference
-Manage and oversee all Advanced Conference Planning Committee activities
-Work closely with PRSA Liaison to recruit non-BU PRSSA participants and PRSA Professionals and Speakers
Elections- April 8
Boston University’s PRSSA Executive Board Members:
Dear Candidate,
Thank you very much for your interest in running for the 2008-9 Executive Board! The E-board works as a tight-knit team to give each and every PRSSA member the best experience possible. Although each e-board member has his or her respective duties to perform, everyone should provide support to the other members and help wherever and whenever necessary. Please e-mail if you have any questions.
You can certainly run for more than one position, but you must start with the highest position and drop down should you not get elected to your desired position. For example, if you desire to run for president and are not elected, you may drop down and then run for vice president. We will announce the winners after each of the position elections, and will vote in the order of the positions below.
Please note that you must notify us if you plan to study abroad or graduate early during the year you wish to serve. Please try to find someone to run with to take your position when you are gone. (For example, if you plan to study abroad in the fall, you should try to find someone who will serve the same position in the fall, and who maybe will be studying in the spring or graduating early.)
Elections will be held during one of our regular meetings on April 8. Please e-mail by Monday, April 7, by 5 p.m. and state your name, your full name, graduation date, the position for which you'd like to run, if you are running with someone else, and if so, which semester each of you will be in office. Please prepare a brief (1-2 minute) speech explaining why you deserve to be in office.
Good Luck!
Must be a former board member to apply
Serves as the principal administrative office and coordinator of the Executive Board
Must develop and implement a strategic plan for the chapter, building on the plans created by previous boards
Advise and instruct members on the policies and procedures of the society
Organize agenda and preside over meetings
Delegate responsibilities of officers and committees, and overall operations of chapter
Maintain communication with the chapter on a weekly basis
Be dedicated to serving the needs of the members and the preservation and success of the chapter as a whole
Executive Vice President:
Be responsible for coordinating, planning and implementing chapter programming, including: monthly professional themed programs for members, social events, awards ceremonies, end of year parties, networking events, etc.
Organize monthly agency tours within Boston (and New York, if possible)
Be informed of, disseminate information about, and encourage participation in National and Regional Events
Must assist the president in coordinating and directing committee activities and chapter operations and perform duties of chapter president if president is absent
Work with the VP of Public Relations to publicize chapter events
Identify and fulfill programming needs of general membership
Be responsible for recording of minutes at all executive board meetings, general membership meetings and handle the appropriate distribution of these minutes
Check the BUPRSSA email account daily and respond to general membership questions
Maintain a record of chapter members, including a permanent home address and school address of each member
Be responsible for writing and sending out Thank Y Oli notes to speakers
Be responsible for preparing and presenting framed Thank You certificates to speakers
Responsible for updating and maintaining chapter collateral materials
Vice President of Finances (Treasurer):
Collect chapter and national dues and forward national dues to PRSSA headquarters
Provide financial reports periodically to chapter membership .
Nark with the chapter president in preparing the annual budget and be responsible for approving allocation of resources
Be responsible for obtaining purchase orders through SAO
Be responsible for identifying fundraising needs, as well as developing and implementing fundraising programs
Vice President of Public Relations:
Be responsible for maintaining internal and external public relations
Organize and implement bi-annual membership recruitment, using slide presentations, brochures, fliers or other appropriate aids
Announce and publicize programs and special events and activities
Act as the coordinator of PRSSAgency, develop a mission for the student run firm and plan for its growth
Act as the contact person for clients and account managers
Be responsible for any media relations relating to the chapter
PRSA Liason/Professional Outreach Coordinator:
Be responsible for organizing the Bateman Case Competition
Communicate with other PRSSA chapters to organize regional PRSSA events
Communicate PRSA events to the general membership and be aware of financial support available to participants
Be able to attend PRSA Boston events regularly, and recruit members to attend
Be responsible for networking with PRSA members and securing speakers for meetings
Provide signicant support to the Advanced Conference Event Planning Committee whenever necessary, specifically in:
Non-BU PRSSA chapter recruitment and participation
Professional/Speaker recruitment and participation
Maintain BU PRSSA’s website and regularly post minutes
Oversee and coordinate newsletter staff and act as the Senior Editor of Proper-Ganda
Create, assign and edit articles for Proper-Ganda
Social Chair:
Recruit a social committee where necessary
Lead the committee to plan the Holiday and End-of- Year parties, and any other appropriate social meetings or events.
Advanced Conference Event Coordinator
Work with any fellow event coordinators from outside of BU
Plan the Advanced Conference
Manage and oversee all Advanced Conference Planning Committee activities
Work closely with PRSA Liaison to recruit non-BU PRSSA participants and PRSA Professionals and Speakers
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Social Committee
This Saturday, the Social Committee will be meeting to work on planning the big End of the Year event. This is a great opportunity for those interested in getting some hands on experience in event planning. Or, if you just want to get more involved, here's your chance!
So, come join us at 4PM on Saturday, March 22 in the GSU Backcourt. We'll use all the help we can get! Questions, comments or want to help out but can't make it to the meeting? Email Christen, your Social Chair, at
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Internship and Career Fairs
Who : All Students
When: Wednesday, March 19 from 2:30-6:00 p.m.
Where: 2nd Floor of the GSU.
For more info, check out
New England Publicity Club's Annual Public Relations and Communications Career Fair-
Who: All Communications and Public Relations Students
When: Friday, April 4 from 1-4 pm.
Where: SMG Atrium
For more info, see attached flier in e-mail and check out
PRSA-NY Career Fair
Who: All Public Relations students
When: Saturday, April 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City.
Register by April 2.
For more info, see the attached fliers in e-mail and check out